My name is Anthony Freeman. I was 18, just out of high school and my girlfriend was pregnant. We weren’t sure if she was going to have the baby. Either way, I had no job and could not afford a baby or an abortion. In desperation,
I broke into my neighbor’s house after she left.
What I didn’t know was that her sister was visiting her and was in the house when I broke in.
I was more scared than she was when she saw me.
I started to run then I heard her say: I’m going to tell because I know who you are.
All I could think of was getting in trouble, but then again, I wasn’t thinking. I’ve looked back on what I did for the past 37 years.
Mrs. Adams was a good neighbor and a good person and it was wrong of me to break into her house to steal from her, but I did and what I ended up stealing was her sister’s life. I have asked God for forgiveness and that he bless Mrs. Robinson’s soul and that she rests in peace.
For the past 38 years, I have suffered with the shame of what I did and the sadness I caused her family and my own family.
I have spent all those years becoming a caring human being who cannot conceive of hurting innocent folks.